What am I?I'm a lot of things. I'm a writer, filmmaker, director, producer, video producer, editor, cinematographer, photographer, artist, creative, designer, content creator, digital marketer, marketing strategist, entrepreneur, organizer, teacher, speaker, and more, but when people ask me what I do I don't want to list out everything. I just want one title that expresses everything.
For awhile I thought calling myself a Professional Dreamer was a good title because what I do is I dream up ideas and then I professionally bring those ideas to reality. Being a professional dreamer just felt too vague though, and I wanted something that focused more on creating and impact. Which brought me back to the Sociology class I took back in 2011. The class was on consumerism. My big take away from the class was that most people are consumers of culture, but I didn't want to be just a consumer of culture. I wanted to be a creator of culture. Nowadays we have a lot of content creators. I don't want to create content that distracts people for just a moment. I want to create experiences that impact people's lives and contributes to the culture of the world. It might be over a decade since I took that Sociology class but still to this day what I really aspire to be is a Culture Creator. |
Values are an integral part of culture.
Through the years I have developed three key values that I aspire to share in my work.
The three values are:
Through the years I have developed three key values that I aspire to share in my work.
The three values are:
PeaceFreedom from disturbance; tranquility.
Peace and a feeling of safety is required for our curious and creative minds to function optimally. When we build up our comfort levels, we become empowered to handle greater challenges. |
EnthusiasmIntense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
Life is meant to be lived with enthusiasm. Knowledge is power and enthusiasm leads to discovering insights and truth about how things work. |
CreationThe action or process of bringing something into existence.
With peace and enthusiasm, we become empowered to envision and create wonderful relationships and experiences that make up the life of our dreams. |